
The Minish Cap Has 20 Years Of Zelda Wonder Packed Inside Its Tiny Levels
The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap created a new kind of magical fantasy by showing us an unseen side of Hyrule at microscopic scale.
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Best Zelda Games, Ranked - Where Does Echoes of Wisdom Fall?
Now that The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom has arrived, we took a fresh look at our definitive ranking of all the Zelda games.
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Honest Game Trailers | RoboCop: Rogue City
Get behind the visor of your favorite cyborg peacekeeper as Honest Game Trailers buys RoboCop: Rogue City for a dollar. It's a stellar shoot 'em up!
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7 New Games Inspired By ‘The Legend of Zelda’
The Zelda series is a classic for a reason! Check out these games inspired by the legendary fave.
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Origin Story | The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
With BOTW2 on the horizon, we take a look back at the adventure that changed open-world gaming forever.
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Cram It!| The Twisty Timelines of ‘The Legend of Zelda’
Learn the difference between the Child Timeline, Adult Timeline, and everything in between with our guide to The Legend of Zelda!
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E3 2021 Roundup: 11 Games We’re Stoked About
Check out our top picks from this year's E3!
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Food in Video Games: The Best and Worst
We're digging in to the most delicious (and disgusting) video game meals!
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Chickens in Video Games: A Definitive Ranking
Tons of video games have chickens in them, but which ones rule the roost?
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Legend of Allies: The History of Link’s Companions
Our 'Legend of Zelda' 35th anniversary celebration continues with a look at the characters who fought by Link's side.
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Understanding ‘The Legend of Zelda’
In honor of the 35th anniversary of 'The Legend of Zelda,' we detangle the series' complicated timeline.
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World-Class 'BotW' Players Join Forces for Epic Cinematic Combat Montage
Link must split his soul in four and fight to free Princess Zelda from Calamity Ganon's evil in the 10-minute game footage movie.
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Animal Crossing Player Creates 'A Link to the Past' in 'New Horizons'
After four days of extensive terraforming, a dedicated player has turned their island into a recreation of the classic Zelda game's map.
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Everything Announced in Nintendo's Mini Direct
Nintendo revealed the next 'Smash Bros. Ultimate' DLC character will come from 'ARMS' & announced 'New Horizons' Easter event.
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'BotW' Glitch Spits Out Unlimited Korok Seeds
A bit of fancy footwork at the top of the Akkala Ancient Tech Lab lets you collect infinite seeds from the hidden Korok. Talk about seed capital.
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Twitch Beats 'Breath of the Wild' With the Power of Teamwork and Pure Panic
A streamer rigged his chat to give Link commands, handing over control of the poor hero to hundreds, simultaneously. It took 25 hours and 80 deaths.
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Player Beats 'Breath of the Wild' Without Walking (or Running)
The game is a journey of a thousand miles...and one man finished it without taking a single step.
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New Zelda Keycaps Are Legendary
GMK Hero has letters and numbers, but also caps with hearts, shields, swords, ocarinas, bombs, and hookshots.
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Psychologist Recommends 'Breath of the Wild' to Combat 'Fortnite' Addiction
An industry 'psygamer' who's worked with the likes of Sega, Ubisoft, EA, Microsoft, and Activision, found the Zelda game to be a calming alternative.
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'Breath of the Wild' Players Discover Link Can Flash Step in Combat
Entering bullet time while pressing Y and drawing a weapon lets Link seemingly teleport to his targeted foe across great distances, for heavy damage.
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Wholesome Breath of the Wild speedrun feeds every dog as fast as possible
‘I don’t care about Ganon, Zelda, I only care about dogs’
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'Ocarina of Time' Speedrun Trick Sends Star Fox's Arwing Speeding After Link
The code for the iconic spacecraft is embedded in the Zelda game, the new speedrun technique has the side effect of spawning an angry swarm of them.
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'Ocarina of Time' Speedrunner Breaks World Record in Under 10 Minutes
Using the Stale Reference Manipulation glitch and Arbitrary Code Execution, the new Any% record is 9m 56s.
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'Super Mario 64's Shifting Sand Land Turned 'Zelda: Ocarina of Time' Dungeon
A classic Nintendo crossover to end all crossovers, the 'Shifting Sand Dungeon' mod recreates the memorable Mario environ as a dungeon in 'Ocarina.'
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New Mod Retextures 'Skyrim' Like 'Breath of the Wild'
'Breath of the Wildrim' will transform Tamriel's gritty terrain into the painted, softer style of Hyrule in Zelda's own open world adventure.
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'Smash Bros. Ultimate' Gets Byleth From 'Fire Emblem' 
Plus a fresh level based around 'Three Houses' Garreg Mach Monastery, new Mii Costumes, and six more fighters promised by the end of 2021
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LEGO 'Breath of the Wild' Set Might Make It Out of the Stables
A LEGO Ideas project recreating 'BotW's stables has gained enough fan support to make it to the official review process, along with 11 others.
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Studio Ghibli-Inspired 'Breath of the Wild' Fanimation Is Truly Breathtaking
Korean fans have animated a full-length trailer for Link's open-world adventure in the style of Studio Ghibli films.
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Someone Put the Moon From 'Majora's Mask' Into 'Pokémon Sword & Shield'
The internet is the only place you can find this kind of nightmare fuel.
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A Full Fan-Made Arsenal of 'Breath of the Wild' Weapons
One player has spent years forging these stunningly accurate weapons from EVA foam, PVC pipes, and a lot of love and dedication.
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Cinematic Medley is a Breathtaking Journey Through 'Ocarina of Time'
A YouTuber, cosplayer, and musician has created a truly epic musical journey across Hyrule that will make you yearn for adventure.
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Lindsey Stirling Talks Reinventing the Violin & Using Fandoms for Good
We sit down with the beloved YouTube star and talk using fandoms for good, making it big online and how nerd culture is resurrecting classical music
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'BotW' Lynel Takedown via Boomerang Hurricane
The spinning boomerang blades of death are impressive, but Link's selfie at the end is priceless.
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New Job Postings for 'BotW 2' May Give Clues to Sequel's Progress
Nintendo and its subsidiaries could be preparing for a final push.
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Gamer Spends a Literal Day in the Life of Link in VR
One player spent 24 hours immersed in the world of 'Ocarina of Time' with the help of a VR mod, and streamed it all on YouTube.
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How to Instakill 'BotW's Calamity Ganon
All it takes is one arrow, and expert timing.
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Behind the Scenes of 'Breath of the Wild' Sequel
Get a look at how the magic was made for the game's reveal trailer.
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Iconic Zelda Game Boy De-Makes Are a Nostalgia Overload
'Ocarina of Time,' 'Wind Waker,' and 'Breath of the Wild' get retro 8-bit, chiptune makeovers on classic Game Boy consoles.
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Zelda Comes To 'Super Mario Maker 2' In Free Update
The content update on Dec. 5 lets you play as Link and wield the Master Sword, along with new course parts, enemies, and items. 
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Beautiful 'Breath of the Wild' Bedroom Mural Is Life Goals
The immersive mural covers the walls and ceiling, so these lucky kids sleep surrounded by the fantastical fields of Hyrule.
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Zelda Snatches Two Nominations at The Game Awards
'Link's Awakening' is nominated for Best Action/Adventure and Best Art Direction, and 'Cadence of Hyrule' is in the running for Best Soundtrack/Score.
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'Majora's Mask' Speedrunners Finally Find Their Holy Grail  
Shoot for the moon. Players have been searching for an elusive moon warp method for years, and now, using an elaborate technique, they've found it.
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Rumor: 'Breath of the Wild' Sequel Could Be Coming in 2020
A reliable leaker says Nintendo plans to release the game next year, but their track record of delaying 3D Zelda titles has even the leaker skeptical.
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So What's the Deal With Zelda's Creepy Ghost Arms in Toilets?
Zelda’s Study conducts an in-depth investigation of their appearances throughout the franchise, and looks back to their origin in Japanese folklore.
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Who, or What, Is the Demon of Hateno Village?
This 'Breath of the Wild' fan theory dives deep into the franchise's lore to attempt to answer the question.
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Mario, Zelda Creator Receives Rare Honor from Japanese Government
Nintendo's Shigeru Miyamoto is one of only 20 people across a wide range of fields to be honored as a Person of Cultural Merit in Japan.
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Listen to a Lovely Calculator Cover of Zelda's Main Theme
You read that right. This musician chose a rather unorthodox instrument to render the classic tune: four AR calculators.
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Old Man Ulrira's Tour of Koholint Island
Let your wise guide take you through the lovely island's landmarks, from Kanalet Castle to Yarna Desert, and all the secret little places in between.
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Fan Constructs Massive Topographical Map of 'BotW's Hyrule
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This Mom Drew an Incredibly Detailed 'Breath of the Wild' Map
Her son Hajimerumeru shared his mom's amazing work on Twitter.
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'Link's Awakening' Turns the Nintendo Classic into a Funko Pop Playground
Honest Game Trailers takes you through the nostalgic tedium and trauma of the classic Zelda remake that's still essentially a Game Boy game.
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Hand-Drawn 'Breath Of The Wild' Map Is the Ultimate Game Guide
The massive map marks the locations of all the shrines, bosses, landmarks, and more. What's better than adventuring with a real-life treasure map?
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Link’s House from 'Breath of the Wild' Modeled in LEGO
This faithful recreation of Link's Hateno Village home even captures all the little details inside, from the weapon racks to the bedside reading.
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" He has this adorable expression that you can’t see during the rest of the adventure... I hope you all enjoy looking into Link’s cute saucer eyes. "
'Link's Awakening' director Mikiharu Oiwa on the fishing minigame
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How 'Twin Peaks' Has Influenced The Legend of Zelda
From the isolation and pure strangeness of 'Link's Awakening' to the insidious darkness and suspicious characters throughout the Zelda franchise.
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Mod Brings Hyrule to Skyrim
'Relics of Hyrule' adds classic Legend of Zelda-inspired weapons, dungeons, and spells to 'Skyrim' and introduces a mythology that links both realms.
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Nintendo Still Recruiting for 'Breath of the Wild' Sequel
They're looking for a scenario planner and a level designer, so if you've got the skills, why not throw your hat into the ring?
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" We...aimed to make the game world feel as though you’re peeking into a little diorama "
'Link's Awakening's graphic refining director Yoshiki Haruhana
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Gamer Bakes Stunning 'Link's Awakening' Switch Cake
Apparently, it's 'pretty easy to make' 🤔
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Fan Gives 'Breath of the Wild' Sequel Trailer an N64-Style Makeover
One dedicated Zelda fan recreated the 'BotW' sequel trailer shot-for-shot in the graphics style of the classic Nintendo 64 via careful 3D modeling.
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Rank Your Top 4 Link Designs 🔢 
Link has come in many shapes and sizes, but which designs are the best ➡️
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Listen to 'Link's Awakening's Music Evolve with the Game's Composer
Ryo Nagamatsu explains his 'unusual' take on the weirdest Zelda game's score, and provides clips of his musical trial and error process.
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What Was the Best Game on Nintendo 64? 🗣
N64 officially released 23 years ago today on Sept. 29, 1996 🎂
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The Hero of Time's Visual Timeline
Journey with Link through a visual history of his appearances, from 'The Legend of Zelda' to 'Breath of the Wild' and the new 'Link's Awakening.'
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Player Creates 'A Link To The Past' In 'Dragon Quest Builders 2'
Representing 150 hours of work using 300,000 blocks, the project is a faithful recreation of Hyrule in its entirety, down to each hand-planted tree.
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Explore 'Link's Awakening's Chamber Dungeons with the Series Producer
Eiji Aonuma shares some tips and behind-the-scenes info on the new feature that was 'the deciding factor in revisiting this game.'
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Kid's Mom Said Zelda Was a Waste of Time, Now He's in 'Link's Awakening'
Junichiro Taku had to hide under his bedsheets to play the original 'Link's Awakening' — Now he's featured on the remake's soundtrack.
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'Breath of the Wild' Player Beat the Game Using Only Shields
The best offense is a good defense 🛡
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In Honor of Nintendo's Birthday, Drop a Comment for Your Favorite Game ➡️
Nintendo was founded 130 years ago today back on Sept. 23, 1889 😲
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