Disney’s The Lion King is an undeniable classic. Since the House of Mouse is determined to make live-action remakes of all their animated classics, it should come as no surprise that The Lion King is the next film on the docket. However, there is some good news in the middle of all of this. In fact, it’s very good news.
Jon Favreau is attached to direct this new version of the hit musical. Favreau recently directed the remake of The Jungle Book. That adaptation went on to receive immense critical acclaim as well as an enormous return at the box office. Favreau also is responsible for kickstarting the entire Marvel Cinematic Universe with the very first Iron Man. It’s clear that the guy gets how to bring classic stories to the big screen in new and exciting ways. If anyone else was attached to The Lion King, there would be cause for concern. But, Favreau has proven time and time again that he’s one of our most invaluable blockbuster filmmakers.
It has been confirmed that songs from the original film will be in this new version. Seeing as how there are no human characters in the story, is this live-action version really going to be live-action? If it’s all a big CGI affair, isn’t it still an animated film?
No timeline for the production has been set, so we’ll have to keep our eyes and ears out for all the news we can find. Casting is going to make a big difference with this production. The original had the likes of James Earl Jones and Jeremy Irons adding tons of gravitas to the story. Who will they be casting as their replacements? Regardless, they better find someone amazing for this new version of “Be Prepared.” And if the film doesn’t have “Be Prepared” in it? Blasphemy.