Here at FANDOM we’re always on the lookout for games we can play with out friends. And it really sweetens the pot when that game is totally free. You know how hard it is to convince a bud to drop $60 on a game, but when it’s zero they’ve got no excuse not to grab a controller and get online. Enter Brawlhalla, a free to play fighting game in the vein of Super Smash Bros. Featuring online and local multiplayer, Brawlhalla is a simple but fun way to digitally beat up your friends, or strangers online.
We jumped into Brawlhalla on our official Twitch channel to work out some of our pent up aggression in the office.
Wanna catch FANDOM next time we’re playing an awesome game live? Want to play with us and be on the stream? Follow our channels on Twitch, Youtube, and Facebook so you can get alerts when we go live!