It’s that time once again! Each and every Friday we take a minute to shine the spotlight on some of the amazing content being feautred on Gamepedia’s YouTube channel. This week continues our look at Destiny, as well as feature spotlights for both Landmark and Star Citizen. We also continued our Hero spotlight series for Hearthstone, and a familiar face is set to return to Star Wars: The Old Republic.
Destiny has continued to be one of the most popular games since its release, and with good reason – there’s a bounty of content to take in, and many are discovering that reaching the level cap is just the beginning of a longer adventure. But there are some questions that remain. What is the Darkness? What are the stories behind each race? How the hell do I survive a Strike?
We answered those questions.
We produced three individual videos highlighting the three playable races in Destiny: Humans, Awoken, and Exo. While you can watch the individual videos by clicking the provided links, we went and put all three videos together into one super video, which you can watch right here.
Another of the big mysteries in Destiny is just what on Earth the Darkness is, and what its purpose is? Well, I can’t tell you – it’d be spoilers. So keep that in mind in the above video, but if you’re okay with some spoilers then go on – have your question answered.
The Devil’s Lair, Earth, is the first Strike that you will take on in Destiny – and for the uninitiated, it is also one of the hardest. In this video we go above and beyond to highlight an easy way to rack up the boss kill and complete this challenging early Strike.
Li Li Stormstout, the World Wanderer, is a support hero who is known for her speed, her healing abilities, and the constant threat that she will summon a Water Dragon to ruin her enemy’s day. But I’m not going to tell you everything there is to know. If I did then you wouldn’t have a reason to watch our Spotlight video on her, now would you?
Returning to Hearthstone, we took a few minutes to say a few words about one of the most popular (to play as, not against) classes in the game, the Warlock.
Gul’dan and the Warlock has some of the strongest spells in the game. This is good, as you will be sacrificing minions and other perks while buffing ally minions, activating Enrage abilities, or sacrificing a card to deal out a boatload of damage.
In case you missed it, earlier this week we published a preview of what you could expect to see in Landmark in the coming weeks and months. As part of that preview we produced a video highlighting some of the combat changes that had recently been introduced to the game, as well as a sneak peek at some of the different monsters that you will soon be able to pick fights with.
Star Citizen, one of the most ambitious and grandiose indie games of all time, is bringing a ton of new content with Patch 13. This patch introduces a new hangar, private matches, friend codes (a placeholder until a friend’s list is a thing), co-op vandal swarm games, and a whole lot more. No. Seriously. A whole lot more.
BioWare has announced their upcoming “A Deadly Force” game update, and they did so in grand fashion – by announcing the return of the feared, respected, and generally awesome Darth Revan. If you haven’t followed Revan’s character arc since his appearance in Knights of the Old Republic, we give you a very brief rundown while also checking out his updated look for what will be his glorious return to Star Wars: The Old Republic.
There you have it, party people. If you want to stay up to date on all the content coming out of Gamepedia, be sure to subscribe to our YouTube Channel. Of course you can always swing through here each and every Friday to remind yourself of what you’re missing out on but why would you do that when, you know, you can subscribe and stay on top of all of our shenanigans in real time.