Well, we haven’t done one of these in a while. This week’s YouTube Round-Up – the first in a few months (we’ll get better at that, promise) – highlights new content for some of the most popular games out there, while also shining a spotlight on some under-the-radar titles. Over at the Gamepedia YouTube Channel, we published new trailers for both World of Speed and Dying Light, as well as produced feature videos for WildStar, Hearthstone, and Heroes of the Storm! We also take a glance at Sunless Sea to show off this eerie nautical exploration title.
So what all did we wind up talking about? Well, we’ve published our latest videos after the break. Take a few minutes and go have a look!
Hearthstone recently released their first expansion, Curse of Naxxramas. One of the new features introduced with this expansion was, well, the Curse of Naxxramas: a five-winged single-player adventure mode that rewards players with new cards and multiple challenges. In the video below, we take a look at what you can expect to find in Blizzard’s latest addition to their addictive CCG.
This wasn’t the only video we did on Hearthstone, mind you. You see, at the end of the Plague Quarter players must face off against the final boss: Loatheb. If you’ve played against him already, then you’re likely well aware of how much of an expletive nightmare he can be to deal with. After enduring this diseased mushroom-humped punk for entirely too long, our video team learned the secrets to toppling him once and for all.
You’re welcome.
We also spent some time on Nexus to produce some new Overviews for WildStar. The first highlights the numerous mounts you can acquire in the game, and shows off many of the ones you can find. We also go into detail on where you can find ’em, and how you can make them yours.
In the second WildStar video from the last week, we took a look at the deadly Stalker class. Stalkers, thanks to their counter-attacks and various other abilities that suit the play-style, make for intimidating tanks – but they’re so much more. In our Overview video, we highlight what makes the Stalker able to stand out in a field of notable and fun character classes.
Not too long ago we highlighted Sunless Sea. We continued our preview of the game in our latest At A Glance video, which serves to give you a brief glimpse of what you can expect in the game. You’ll see how light and darkness can fool with your head, as well as get peeks at your customized steamship, and just a tiny portion of the mysteries that await you.
Finally, we published our first of what will be many, many videos highlighting the numerous different features of Heroes of the Storm, Blizzard’s take on the classic MOBA. In our first video on the series, we shine a spotlight on the demon hunter, Valla. Are you curious about how she plays? Perhaps you want to see what her ultimate looks like. Whatever questions you have about her, we answer them in the spotlight below.
Well, that does it for this week – but you can expect to see a lot more in the future. As we produce more informative and entertaining video content, you will be seeing more and more of these round-ups. Of course, if there’s something you’d like to see us cover you can always leave a comment below, and be sure to tell us your thoughts on YouTube… but, you know, be cool about it.
Thanks again, and see you next time!