Unearth the thrilling world of "Uncharted," a captivating universe that originated from the action-adventure video games developed by Naughty Dog. The series follows the charismatic treasure hunter, Nathan Drake, as he embarks on perilous quests around the globe, uncovering historical mysteries. The original game series, including fan-favorites like "Uncharted 2: Among Thieves" and "Uncharted 4: A Thief's End," has spawned a prequel, "Uncharted: Golden Abyss," and a spin-off, "Uncharted: The Lost Legacy." The "Uncharted" universe has also expanded into other media, with a comic book series and a novel, "Uncharted: The Fourth Labyrinth." A highly anticipated film adaptation, starring Tom Holland as Nathan Drake, is set to bring the exhilarating adventures to the big screen. Join the vibrant "Uncharted" community, where fans delve into discussions about the series' intricate storylines, speculate on Nathan Drake's next adventure, share reviews, and showcase their artwork. Connect with fellow enthusiasts, exchange theories, and immerse yourself in the rich lore of "Uncharted." Whether you're a seasoned explorer or new to the world of "Uncharted," this is your treasure trove of all things related to the thrilling universe of Nathan Drake's adventures.