Dive into the captivating universe of Type-Moon, a renowned Japanese game company that has given birth to a plethora of visual novels, anime, manga, and games. Originating from the visual novel "Tsukihime," Type-Moon has expanded its universe with the popular "Fate/stay night" series, "Melty Blood" fighting games, and "Kara no Kyoukai" light novels. Key characters like Shiki Tohno, Saber, and Ryougi Shiki have become iconic figures, engaging fans with their complex personalities and thrilling adventures. Major events such as the Holy Grail War and the Mystic Eyes of Death Perception have shaped the narrative, creating a rich and intricate storyline that keeps fans hooked. The Type-Moon universe is a treasure trove for fans, offering a platform for discussions, fan theories, reviews, and artwork. Connect with like-minded fans around the world, delve into the lore, and explore the intricate web of relationships and events that make up this fascinating universe. Whether you're a newcomer or a seasoned fan, the Type-Moon universe is a captivating journey that promises endless exploration and engagement.