The Office universe

Welcome to the world of "The Office," a beloved sitcom that originated from a BBC series of the same name. This universe revolves around the everyday lives of office employees at Dunder Mifflin, a fictional paper company in Scranton, Pennsylvania. The series is known for its unique mockumentary format, capturing the hilarious and often awkward interactions between characters like the bumbling Michael Scott, the ambitious Jim Halpert, the stern Dwight Schrute, and the sweet Pam Beesly. "The Office" has inspired a plethora of spin-offs and adaptations, including a successful podcast, "Office Ladies," hosted by Jenna Fischer and Angela Kinsey, who played Pam and Angela on the show. The series has also spawned a vast array of merchandise, from Funko Pop figures to board games. The fandom community around "The Office" is as lively as the show itself. Fans engage in spirited discussions, share theories, create artwork, and write reviews. They dissect episodes, debate character arcs, and share their favorite "Dundie" moments. Whether you're a newcomer just starting your journey at Dunder Mifflin or a seasoned fan who can recite every line of "Threat Level Midnight," this universe offers a wealth of content and connections for everyone. Dive in and join the conversation!



  • Adventure
  • Comedy


  • The Office: Somehow We Manage
  • David Brent: Life on the Road
  • The Office
  • The Office
  • The Office (UK)

Quick Answers

Why did Toby believe that George Howard Skub was innocent?
After serving on the jury that convicted George Howard Skub, Toby had a change of heart and believed Skub was innocent. This belief was expressed through various conversations and explanations about the case. However, Toby's suspicions were called into question when he was strangled by Skub during a prison visit, hinting that Skub was indeed the Scranton Strangler.
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What is the Scranton Strangler theory?
The Scranton Strangler theory revolves around the idea that a Dunder Mifflin/Sabre employee from 'The Office' might be the Scranton Strangler, a criminal character in the show. The primary suspects according to fan theories are Creed Bratton, known for his peculiar lifestyle, and Toby Flenderson, the HR rep. Other potential suspects include Robert California, Gabe Lewis, Dwight Schrute, David Wallace, Bob Vance, Frank, and Jan Levinson.
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What evidence led to the conviction of George Howard Skub as the Scranton Strangler?
The individual identified as the Scranton Strangler was George Howard Skub, who was convicted and incarcerated. Despite Toby's initial belief in Skub's innocence, subsequent hints suggest that Skub was indeed the perpetrator.
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How is Toby Flenderson connected to the Scranton Strangler case?
Toby Flenderson, Dunder Mifflin/Sabre's HR representative, was a juror in the Scranton Strangler trial. He held the belief that the convicted, George Howard Skub, was not guilty. Subsequent hints in the series suggest that Skub was the actual Strangler, contradicting Toby's belief. Additionally, fan theories propose Toby as the Scranton Strangler, citing specific series events and timings.
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Why did Toby Flenderson leave 'The Office'?
Toby Flenderson, portrayed by Paul Lieberstein, was the HR representative at Dunder Mifflin's Scranton branch. His character is known for being soft-spoken and mild-mannered. His exit from 'The Office' occurs in the series finale when he decides to move to Costa Rica, a decision celebrated by Michael due to their strained relationship.
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Below are the titles that make up this universe in Fandom.


The Office: Somehow We Manage


David Brent: Life on the Road


The Office


The Office


The Office (UK)

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