Dive into the chilling universe of "The Evil Within," a survival horror video game series developed by Tango Gameworks. The series, originally released by Bethesda Softworks, plunges players into a nightmarish world, following the story of protagonist Detective Sebastian Castellanos as he confronts unspeakable horrors and uncovers the truth behind a series of gruesome murders. The series includes two main games, "The Evil Within" and its sequel "The Evil Within 2," each offering a unique blend of psychological horror and action gameplay. The games are renowned for their intricate storylines, atmospheric settings, and intense combat sequences. Join the global community of "The Evil Within" enthusiasts who delve into the game's lore, dissect its plot twists, and share their experiences. Engage in lively discussions, explore fan theories, and appreciate fan-created artwork. Whether you're a seasoned player or a newcomer, the "The Evil Within" community welcomes you to unravel the mysteries of this terrifying universe together.