The Amazing World of Gumball universe

Dive into the vibrant universe of "The Amazing World of Gumball," a British-American animated television series that has captured the hearts of viewers worldwide. Created by Ben Bocquelet for Cartoon Network, the series follows the misadventures of Gumball Watterson, a blue cat, and his adoptive goldfish brother, Darwin, in the fictional city of Elmore. The show is renowned for its unique blend of surreal humor, satirical social commentary, and a diverse array of animation styles. It has spawned a variety of merchandise, including video games, comic books, and a plethora of fan art and theories. Join the lively discussions about Gumball's hilarious escapades, the Watterson family dynamics, and the eccentric citizens of Elmore. Explore fan theories about the show's meta-commentary on reality and animation, and share your thoughts on the series' poignant moments and clever humor. Whether you're a long-time fan or a newcomer, "The Amazing World of Gumball" offers a colorful, imaginative, and endlessly entertaining world to explore. Connect with fellow fans, delve into the rich lore of Elmore, and immerse yourself in the delightful chaos of Gumball's world.



  • Gumball's Amazing Party Game
  • Wrecker's Revenge: Gumball
  • Super Slime Blitz - Gumball
  • Agent Gumball
  • Sky Streaker - Gumball
  • Mutant Fridge Mayhem - Gumball

Quick Answers

Is Gumball bisexual or pansexual?
Though this has not yet been confirmed within the show itself, series creator Ben Bocquelet confirmed on Twitter than Gumball "loves whoever he loves", conifmring that he is imdeed queer in some way.
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What is Gumball's full name?
Gumball's full name is Gumball Tristopher Watterson. In "The Name", his name was revealed to be Zachary Tristopher Watterson, but he legally changed it to Gumball at the end of the episode.
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How old is Gumball?
Gumball is 12 years old, though is seemingly stuck at this age due to being "one of the 1% of people who don't age".
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Who is Gumball Watterson?
Gumball Watterson (formerly Zach Tristopher Watterson) is the twelve-year-old, light blue male cat protagonist of The Amazing World of Gumball. He is part of a family of anthropomorphic animals consisting of two rabbits, two cats, and a goldfish. He is known for causing mischief across the town due to not staying inside of the box.
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Who voices Gumball?
Gumball has had various voice actors throughout the show. In the original pilot/early real he was voiced by Chowder voice actor Nicky Jones. In the series proper he was voiceed by Logan Grove in the first two seasons, and very beginning of the third, from The DVD to The Kids. Jacob Hopkins took over for Season 3, 4 and the first quarter of Season 5, from The Fan until The Copycats. Nicolas Cantu voiced Gumball for the rest of Seasons 5 and 6 from The Potato until The Inquisition. In The Gumball Chronicles Gumball got yet another voice actor, Duke Cutler. It is unknown if Duke will return for Season 7, or if Gumball will yet again be recast
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Below are the titles that make up this universe in Fandom.


Gumball's Amazing Party Game


Wrecker's Revenge: Gumball


Super Slime Blitz - Gumball


Agent Gumball


Sky Streaker - Gumball


Mutant Fridge Mayhem - Gumball

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