Dive into the expansive universe of Stargate, a captivating saga that began with the 1994 film and expanded into television series, books, comics, and video games. The original film, directed by Roland Emmerich, introduced audiences to the Stargate, an ancient device enabling instantaneous travel across the cosmos. Key characters like Dr. Daniel Jackson, Colonel Jack O'Neill, and the enigmatic alien race, the Goa'uld, have become iconic figures in the sci-fi genre. The television series, including "Stargate SG-1", "Stargate Atlantis", and "Stargate Universe", further explored the mythology, introducing new characters and alien races. The franchise's rich lore and complex storylines have inspired a dedicated fanbase, who engage in lively discussions, create fan art, and theorize about the mysteries of the Stargate universe. Whether you're a long-time fan or a newcomer, the Stargate universe offers a wealth of exploration, adventure, and camaraderie. Join the global community of fans, share your theories, explore fan-generated content, and immerse yourself in the intricate world of Stargate.