Skylanders is a vibrant universe that originated from a video game series developed by Toys for Bob and published by Activision. The series is known for its innovative use of physical toys that interact with the game, bringing characters to life in a unique way. The Skylanders universe includes key characters like Spyro the Dragon, Stealth Elf, and Eruptor, each with their own unique abilities and personalities. The storyline revolves around the Skylanders, a group of heroes who protect Skylands from the evil Kaos and his various schemes. The series has expanded beyond video games into spin-offs like Skylanders Academy, a Netflix animated series, and a variety of merchandise, including action figures and comic books. The Skylanders community is a lively hub of discussions, fan theories, and artwork. Fans around the world connect over their shared love for the game, its characters, and its lore. Whether you're a seasoned Portal Master or a newcomer to the Skylands, this universe offers a rich, engaging experience filled with adventure and camaraderie. Dive into the world of Skylanders and join the global community of fans who are just as passionate about this universe as you are.