Dive into the thrilling universe of "Scandal," a political thriller television series that has captivated audiences worldwide. Created by Shonda Rhimes, the series originally aired on ABC and is now available on streaming platforms. The series revolves around Olivia Pope, a crisis management expert, and her team of associates, known as "Gladiators." The storyline is filled with political intrigue, power struggles, and romantic entanglements, all set against the backdrop of Washington D.C. "Scandal" is known for its complex characters, gripping plot twists, and exploration of political and social issues. Key characters include President Fitzgerald Grant, Chief of Staff Cyrus Beene, and assassin Huck. The series has also spawned a dedicated fandom community, where fans engage in discussions, share fan theories, reviews, and artwork. Whether you're a newcomer or a long-time fan, the "Scandal" universe offers a wealth of content to explore. From the original series to spin-offs, adaptations, and derivative works, there's always something new to discover. Join the global community of "Scandal" fans and immerse yourself in this captivating universe.