Welcome to the world of Resident Evil, a thrilling universe that originated from Capcom's iconic survival horror video game series. This universe has expanded into a vast array of media, including films, novels, comics, and animated series. The narrative revolves around the sinister Umbrella Corporation and its bio-organic weapons, leading to zombie outbreaks and other monstrous horrors. Key characters like Chris Redfield, Jill Valentine, Leon S. Kennedy, and Claire Redfield battle against these threats, uncovering deep conspiracies and dark secrets. The Resident Evil universe is known for its intense atmosphere, intricate storylines, and memorable characters. It has spawned numerous theories, discussions, and fan art, making it a hotbed for passionate fans worldwide. Whether you're a fan of the original games, the movie adaptations, or the animated series, there's always something new to discover and discuss. Join the community to share your theories, reviews, and artwork, and connect with fellow fans who share your love for this thrilling universe. Dive into the world of Resident Evil, where survival is everything, and every corner holds a new mystery.