Dive into the chilling universe of Outlast, a survival horror video game series developed by Red Barrels. The original game, Outlast, and its sequel, Outlast 2, are renowned for their immersive gameplay and terrifying atmospheres. Players navigate through a world of psychological horror, taking on the roles of investigative journalists Miles Upshur and Blake Langermann, respectively. The series is set in the eerie Mount Massive Asylum and the sinister village of Temple Gate, where players uncover dark secrets and face horrifying adversaries. The Whistleblower DLC further expands the storyline, offering a fresh perspective on the Mount Massive Asylum incident. The Outlast community is a vibrant hub for fans to share gameplay experiences, discuss theories, and explore the intricate lore of the series. Fans can delve into reviews, fan art, and discussions about the game's most spine-chilling moments and complex characters. Whether you're a seasoned player or new to the series, the Outlast universe offers a thrilling journey into the heart of survival horror.