My Singing Monsters universe

Dive into the harmonious world of "My Singing Monsters," a unique universe where music and monsters collide. Originating from the popular mobile game developed by Big Blue Bubble, this universe has expanded to include a sequel, "My Singing Monsters: Dawn of Fire," and a spin-off game, "My Singing Monsters: Composer." In this vibrant world, players collect and breed a variety of adorable monsters, each with their unique musical line. From the charming Furcorn to the mystical Wubbox, these creatures form an enchanting symphony that captivates millions worldwide. The storyline unfolds across various islands, each with its distinct theme and monster ensemble. The "My Singing Monsters" community is a lively hub of creativity and camaraderie. Fans share their island designs, monster breeding tips, and original compositions, fostering a rich culture of collaboration and creativity. The universe's lore sparks intriguing discussions and theories, while fan-made artwork and reviews further enrich the community. Whether you're a seasoned maestro or a budding composer, "My Singing Monsters" offers a unique blend of music, strategy, and creativity that resonates with fans of all ages. Join the chorus and discover the magic of this melodious universe.



  • Action


  • My Singing Monsters Thumpies
  • My Singing Monsters Playground
  • My Singing Monsters
  • My Singing Monsters Composer
  • Jammer Splash
  • My Singing Monsters: Dawn of Fire
  • My PomPom
  • My Mammott
  • Thumpies

Quick Answers

What are the perfect conditions for a Ghazt to manifest?
The Ghazt, a creature imbued with the Ethereal power of Plasma, manifests only under perfect conditions. Its sleek frame and intangibility allow it to move unnoticed, but also make it prone to accidental interdimensional travel. While it interacts well with other monsters, it occasionally prefers solitude.
Provided by: Community
How can Ethereal Monsters be bred in 'My Singing Monsters'?
In 'My Singing Monsters', Ethereal Monsters are a breedable class that can be bred using a Quad-Element Monster and a Triple-Element Monster. They are challenging to breed, with a success rate of approximately 1%, which increases to 5% during Ethereal Breeding Bonanzas. Most of the time, the result will be a Triple-Element Monster of the same type as the parent. For efficient breeding, use the 3-elemental monster with the shortest breeding time and employ egg zapping to speed up the process.
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How do you get a Mimic on Fire Oasis?
To get a Mimic on Fire Oasis, you must purchase it from the Market for 500 Relics when it's available for a limited time. After purchase, its egg will be incubated in the Nursery for 3 days and 8 hours.
Provided by: Community
How is the Wubbox obtained in the game?
Wubbox is available for purchase in the Market for 75,000,000 Coins (or 150,000 Shards on Ethereal Island). After a 2-day incubation period, it's placed in Box form and activated by boxing all necessary Monsters. Variants like Rare Wubbox and Epic Wubbox are available in the StarShop and Market respectively, each with distinct incubation and activation requirements.
Provided by: Community
How do you breed Buzzinga?
Buzzinga is obtained by breeding Reedling and Barrb. By default, it has a breeding time of 23 hours. Note that breeding a Mythical Monster, like Buzzinga, is not a guaranteed success and breeding fails are greatly expected. However, the chances of successful breeding can be increased by breeding higher level Monsters and lighting Wishing Torches.
Provided by: Community


Below are the titles that make up this universe in Fandom.


My Singing Monsters Thumpies


My Singing Monsters Playground


My Singing Monsters


My Singing Monsters Composer


Jammer Splash


My Singing Monsters: Dawn of Fire


My PomPom


My Mammott



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