Dive into the post-apocalyptic universe of Metro, a series originally conceived by Dmitry Glukhovsky in his novel "Metro 2033". This universe has since expanded into a trilogy of novels, a series of video games, and a planned film adaptation. Set in the subway tunnels of a nuclear-ravaged Moscow, the story follows Artyom, a young man navigating a world of mutants, rival factions, and supernatural horrors. The Metro universe is renowned for its atmospheric storytelling, moral choices, and survival horror elements. It has inspired a wealth of fan theories, discussions, and artwork, with fans worldwide delving into its rich lore and complex characters. Whether you're a newcomer eager to explore the dark tunnels of the Metro or a long-time fan seeking to engage with others in discussions about the moral implications of Artyom's choices, the Metro universe offers a wealth of content to explore. Join the global community of Metro enthusiasts, share your theories, reviews, and fan art, and immerse yourself in this captivating post-apocalyptic world.