Dive into the thrilling universe of Hitman, a stealth video game series developed by IO Interactive. The series follows the life of a genetically enhanced assassin, Agent 47, known for his trademark bald head and barcode tattoo. The games are renowned for their intricate level design and the freedom they offer players to complete their assassinations. From the original Hitman: Codename 47 to the latest installment, Hitman 3, the series has captivated players with its blend of stealth, strategy, and storytelling. The universe has expanded beyond games, with two film adaptations and a novel, "Hitman: Enemy Within." Join the vibrant community of Hitman fans, where discussions range from dissecting the complex narrative to sharing strategies for the perfect silent assassination. Fans create and share artwork, reviews, and theories about Agent 47's past and future. Whether you're a stealth game enthusiast or a newcomer intrigued by the world of professional assassination, the Hitman universe offers a rich, immersive experience. Connect with like-minded fans around the world and delve deeper into the enigmatic world of Agent 47.