Welcome to the universe of Gundam, a captivating realm of giant robots, interstellar politics, and epic battles. Originating from the iconic anime series "Mobile Suit Gundam" by Yoshiyuki Tomino and Sunrise, Gundam has expanded into a vast universe of TV series, movies, manga, novels, and video games. The saga is renowned for its complex narratives, featuring key characters like Amuro Ray, Char Aznable, and Setsuna F. Seiei, and major events like the One Year War and the Colony Drop. Gundam's storyline is a rich tapestry of human drama and mecha warfare, set against the backdrop of space colonies and Earth Federation politics. It's a universe that has sparked countless discussions, fan theories, and reviews, with fans passionately debating the merits of Universal Century versus Alternate Universe timelines. The Gundam community is a vibrant space for fans to share their artwork, model kit builds (Gunpla), and cosplay, connecting with fellow enthusiasts around the globe. Whether you're a newcomer intrigued by the world of mobile suits or a seasoned fan delving deeper into the Gundam lore, this universe offers a wealth of exploration and engagement. Dive into the Gundam universe and join the global conversation about one of the most enduring and influential realms in anime and mecha culture.