Grey's Anatomy universe

Welcome to the world of "Grey's Anatomy," a riveting medical drama series that has captivated audiences since its premiere on ABC in 2005. Created by Shonda Rhimes, the series follows the lives of surgical interns, residents, and attendings at the fictional Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital in Seattle. The series is renowned for its diverse cast, including characters like Meredith Grey, Derek Shepherd, and Cristina Yang, and its exploration of complex medical cases and personal relationships. The series has spawned several spin-offs, including "Private Practice" and "Station 19," expanding the universe and offering new perspectives on the medical and personal dramas. The show's intense plot twists, emotional storylines, and memorable quotes have inspired a passionate fan community. Fans engage in lively discussions, share theories, reviews, and artwork, and connect with fellow enthusiasts worldwide. Whether you're a long-time viewer or a newcomer, the "Grey's Anatomy" universe offers a wealth of engaging content. From the original series to the spin-offs, there's always a new storyline to explore, a character to fall in love with, and a community of fans ready to share their passion and insights. Dive into the world of "Grey's Anatomy" and experience the drama, the love, the heartbreak, and the miracles that unfold within the halls of Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital.



  • Adventure
  • Romance
  • Drama


  • Station 19
  • Grey's Anatomy: The Video Game
  • Private Practice
  • Grey's Anatomy

Quick Answers

Who did Owen Hunt cheat on Cristina Yang with?
Owen cheated on Cristina in season eight with the unnamed friend of a patient.
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Who does Alex Karev end up with in Grey's Anatomy?
Alex was married first to Izzie Stevens, but they divorced when she left the hospital. He then married Jo Wilson, but left her to go be with Izzie Stevens again, who had had twins using their fertilized embryos.
Provided by: Community
Does Owen Hunt die in Grey's Anatomy?
As of the end of season twenty (Spring 2024), Owen is still alive.
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In which episode does George O'Malley die?
George was hit by a bus in 5x24 Now or Never when he pushed a woman, Amanda, out of its way. He was taken to the hospital, but due to his injuries, the doctors didn't recognize him. Meredith discovered who he was when he wrote his old nickname "007" on her palm. She rushed to tell the others and George was taken back into surgery. In 6x01 Good Mourning, his brain swelled in surgery and he was pronounced brain dead. His organs were donated.
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In which episode does Andrew DeLuca die in Grey's Anatomy?
Andrew died in 17x17 Helplessly Hoping of a stab sound sustained in Station 19 episode 4x06 Train in Vain.
Provided by: Community


Below are the titles that make up this universe in Fandom.


Station 19


Grey's Anatomy: The Video Game


Private Practice


Grey's Anatomy

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