Welcome to the expansive universe of Godzilla, the iconic, city-stomping monster that originated from Toho's 1954 film. This universe has grown to include 36 films, spanning from the Showa, Heisei, and Millennium eras to the recent Reiwa period and Hollywood adaptations. Godzilla's universe is populated with a plethora of monstrous Kaiju, including Mothra, King Ghidorah, and Mechagodzilla, each with their own unique abilities and lore. The Godzilla universe is not just limited to films. It has been adapted into animated series, comic books, video games, and even a Broadway musical. The storylines often revolve around Godzilla's destructive rampages, humanity's attempts to stop him, and the ecological themes underlying his existence. The Godzilla fandom is a thriving community of enthusiasts who engage in lively discussions, fan theories, and reviews. Fans create stunning artwork, cosplay, and even fan-made films. The community is a treasure trove of knowledge, with deep dives into the lore of Godzilla and his fellow Kaiju. Whether you're a long-time fan or a newcomer, the Godzilla universe offers a rich world of monstrous mayhem to explore.