Dive into the gritty, war-torn world of Sera with the Gears of War universe. Originating from the critically acclaimed video game series by Epic Games, Gears of War has expanded into a rich universe with novels, comics, and a forthcoming film adaptation. Follow the heroic struggles of characters like Marcus Fenix, Dominic Santiago, and Kait Diaz against the monstrous Locust Horde and the enigmatic Swarm. The Gears of War universe is renowned for its intense, cover-based combat and deeply woven narrative, filled with shocking twists and emotional moments. It's a universe that has sparked countless discussions, fan theories, and artwork, with a passionate community always eager to delve deeper into the lore of Sera. Whether you're a seasoned COG soldier or a newcomer to the battlefield, the Gears of War universe offers a wealth of content to explore. Join the global community of fans, share your theories, discuss the latest developments, and immerse yourself in the rich lore of this captivating universe. From the ashes of war, a vibrant community has risen. Welcome to the world of Gears of War.