Dive into the world of "Friends," the iconic American sitcom that has captured hearts worldwide. Originating from NBC, this beloved series follows the lives of six friends - Ross, Rachel, Monica, Chandler, Joey, and Phoebe - living in New York City. Their journey, filled with humor, romance, and life lessons, has been a staple of pop culture since its debut in 1994. The show's ten seasons are filled with memorable moments, from Ross's infamous "We were on a break" to Joey's charming "How you doin'?" Catchphrases, Thanksgiving episodes, and Central Perk coffee sessions are just a few elements that make "Friends" a timeless classic. The "Friends" universe extends beyond the original series, with a spin-off "Joey," and a reunion special on HBO Max. The show's influence is also seen in merchandise, fan art, and countless online discussions dissecting every episode. Join the global community of "Friends" enthusiasts, where you can engage in discussions, explore fan theories, share reviews, and connect with fans around the world. Whether you're a long-time fan or a newcomer, there's always something to discover in the world of "Friends."