Welcome to the world of Fire Emblem, a captivating universe of strategic role-playing video games developed by Intelligent Systems and published by Nintendo. Originating from the original game, "Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light," the series has expanded into a multitude of sequels, spin-offs, and adaptations, including the popular mobile game, "Fire Emblem Heroes." Fire Emblem is renowned for its deep storytelling, complex character development, and challenging tactical gameplay. Key characters like Marth, Roy, and Lyn have become iconic figures, each with their own unique narratives and abilities. The series is also known for its permadeath feature, where characters lost in battle are gone for good, adding a layer of emotional intensity and strategic depth. The Fire Emblem community is a vibrant hub of passionate fans. Engage in lively discussions, explore fan theories, share reviews, and marvel at the stunning fan art. Connect with fellow tacticians around the globe, as you delve into the rich lore, analyze character relationships, and strategize your way through epic battles. Whether you're a seasoned veteran or a newcomer to the series, the world of Fire Emblem awaits you.