EastEnders is a beloved British soap opera that has been captivating audiences since its inception in 1985. Set in the fictional London borough of Walford, the series revolves around the lives of the residents of Albert Square, with the iconic Queen Victoria pub at its heart. The show is renowned for its dramatic storylines, tackling hard-hitting social issues such as addiction, mental health, and domestic violence. Key characters like Phil Mitchell, Dot Cotton, and Ian Beale have become household names, their trials and tribulations forming the backbone of the series. EastEnders has also spawned spin-offs like 'E20' and 'Kat & Alfie: Redwater'. The EastEnders universe is a vibrant community of fans who engage in lively discussions, share fan theories, and create artwork inspired by the show. Whether you're a long-time viewer or a newcomer, there's always something to explore in the world of EastEnders. Join the conversation, delve into character analyses, and immerse yourself in the rich history of Albert Square.