Immerse yourself in the mystical world of Thra, the setting of the "Dark Crystal" universe. Originating from the 1982 Jim Henson film, "The Dark Crystal," this universe has expanded to include a prequel series, "The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance," on Netflix, as well as various books and comics. The story revolves around the struggle between the noble Gelflings, the malevolent Skeksis, and the enigmatic Mystics. Key characters include Jen and Kira, the last of the Gelflings, who embark on a quest to heal the Dark Crystal and restore balance to Thra. The Dark Crystal universe is renowned for its intricate puppetry, rich lore, and captivating storytelling. It's a treasure trove for fans of fantasy and puppetry, with discussions ranging from the intricate lore of Thra to the craftsmanship behind the puppet characters. Join the global community of Dark Crystal enthusiasts who share fan theories, reviews, and artwork, and engage in lively discussions about this enchanting universe. Whether you're a long-time fan or a newcomer, the Dark Crystal universe offers a wealth of exploration and connection. Dive into the lore, discuss the characters, and discover the magic of Thra.