Immerse yourself in the dystopian world of Cyberpunk, a universe that originated from the pen-and-paper RPG by Mike Pondsmith. This universe is best known for its adaptation into the critically acclaimed video game, Cyberpunk 2077, developed by CD Projekt. Set in the sprawling metropolis of Night City, the narrative revolves around key characters like the mercenary V and the digital ghost of rockstar Johnny Silverhand, played by Keanu Reeves. The Cyberpunk universe is a rich tapestry of high-tech and low-life, where body modifications, artificial intelligence, and mega-corporations are part of everyday life. Its gritty, neon-lit streets and complex socio-political themes have inspired numerous spin-offs, adaptations, and derivative works, including novels, comics, and board games. Join the global community of Cyberpunk enthusiasts who delve deep into the lore, discuss theories, share reviews, and create stunning fan art. Engage in thought-provoking discussions about the moral implications of transhumanism, the socio-economic disparities in Night City, and the complex character arcs. Whether you're a newcomer to the universe or a seasoned fan, the Cyberpunk universe offers a wealth of exploration, connection, and shared passion.