Command & Conquer is a captivating universe that originated from a series of real-time strategy video games developed by Westwood Studios and later by EA Los Angeles. The series is known for its engaging gameplay, intricate storylines, and memorable characters like Kane, the enigmatic leader of the Brotherhood of Nod. The Command & Conquer universe is divided into three different series: Tiberium, Red Alert, and Generals, each with its unique setting, factions, and narrative. The Tiberium series revolves around the conflict between the Global Defense Initiative and the Brotherhood of Nod over a powerful alien substance called Tiberium. The Red Alert series, on the other hand, is set in an alternate history where the Soviet Union wages war against the Allies. The Generals series takes a more modern approach, focusing on the geopolitical struggles of the 21st century. The Command & Conquer universe has expanded beyond video games, with spin-offs including novels and a short-lived TV series. The fandom community is vibrant and active, with fans engaging in discussions, sharing theories, creating artwork, and even developing mods for the games. Whether you're a seasoned veteran or a newcomer to the series, the Command & Conquer universe offers a rich and immersive experience that continues to captivate fans worldwide.