Welcome to the world of "Civilization", a captivating universe that originated from the iconic series of strategy video games developed by Sid Meier. This universe is a treasure trove of historical, cultural, and technological exploration, where players lead their civilization from the Stone Age to the Information Age. The "Civilization" universe is not just limited to its original games. It has expanded into various spin-offs like "Civilization: Beyond Earth" and "Civilization Revolution", each offering unique gameplay experiences. The series is renowned for its complex gameplay, rich historical context, and the strategic depth required to achieve victory. Key characters in this universe are the historical leaders, such as Cleopatra, Gandhi, and Alexander the Great, each with their unique abilities and strategies. Major events are shaped by the players themselves, as they guide their civilization through the ages, facing challenges such as wars, diplomacy, and technological advancements. The "Civilization" community is a vibrant hub of strategy enthusiasts, history buffs, and gamers. Fans engage in lively discussions, share strategies, review game updates, and create fan art. The community is also known for its modding scene, where fans create and share their own civilizations, leaders, and scenarios. Whether you're a seasoned strategist or a newcomer to the world of "Civilization", this universe offers an immersive, intellectually stimulating, and endlessly fascinating journey through human history.