Immerse yourself in the dark and thrilling universe of Batman, a world that originated from DC Comics and has since expanded into a plethora of movies, TV shows, video games, and more. Batman, the alter ego of billionaire Bruce Wayne, is a vigilante who fights crime in the gritty city of Gotham, using his intellect, martial arts skills, and an array of high-tech gadgets. Key characters include his loyal butler Alfred, the cunning Catwoman, the psychotic Joker, and the enigmatic Riddler, among others. The Batman universe is known for its complex narratives, exploring themes of justice, fear, and redemption. Major events include the tragic death of Bruce Wayne's parents, his transformation into Batman, and his ongoing battle against a rogues' gallery of villains. Join the global community of Batman fans, where you can delve into discussions, fan theories, and reviews, share artwork, and connect with like-minded enthusiasts. Whether you're a newcomer or a long-time fan, this is your one-stop destination for all things Batman. Discover the depth of the Batman universe, its characters, its stories, and its enduring impact on popular culture.