SPOILER ALERT: This post contains spoilers from the Arrow Season 6. Proceed with caution.
Ricardo Diaz has been a formidable adversary for Team Arrow all season long. He has pushed the team to its breaking point, leaving Oliver all alone on his mission to save Star City. When Oliver realized that he couldn’t fight Diaz alone, he reunited the team and called in A.R.G.U.S. for backup. Oliver then cut a deal with Agent Samandra Watson and the FBI. Sadly, the deal came at a very high price.
“I Am the Green Arrow”

Agent Watson’s first request was simple: say the words — what words? “I am the Green Arrow.” After six years of hiding his identity, six years of pretending to be a careless trust fund baby, a CEO, and then the Mayor, Oliver finally admitted the truth, Iron Man style: “I am the Green Arrow”.
What a journey Oliver has been on these last few years. When he began his crusade he didn’t think anyone would realize his true identity, but for years Captain Lance and the SCPD were after him. That led to the sacrifice of Roy Harper, who pretended to be the Hood and then pretended to die in prison. Most recently, Tommy Merlyn revealed himself to be the Green Arrow, even though it was the Human Target in disguise. Diggle even wore the hood a few times to protect Oliver’s identity.
“Life Sentence”
Once the FBI knew the truth, they offered Oliver a deal. Oliver held details of the deal back from his friends and teammates, he even held the deal back from Felicity. What was the deal?
Oliver agreed to out himself as the Green Arrow and go to prison for his crimes. He was able to get immunity for every single person on Team Arrow, including Diggle and Felicity. Oliver knew the deal was the best option he had, outside of going on the run. With a son in his life, he knew he couldn’t run forever.
The finale ended on a quite a shocking note: with Oliver being thrown into jail. This turn of events will make Season 7 very interesting. Who’s going to run Team Arrow now? And how long will Oliver be incarcerated? Will Diggle pick up the Hood again? Or Roy Harper?
Arrow Season 7 will air on The CW Mondays, at 9PM.