Orcs Must Die!, the series of third-person action/tower defense games from Robot Entertainment, have developed a loyal and passionate fanbase that has come to love the franchise’s fusion of serious tower defense mechanics with much-less-serious humor and orc-killing mayhem. While the first game in the series was a single-player affair, Orcs Must Die! 2 introduced cooperative multiplayer to the series.
Now, with Orcs Must Die! Unchained, Robot Entertainment is entering the competitive multiplayer scene with a fast-paced Fortress Siege action game that pits players against each other as they fight for control of each other’s strongholds. They’ll take the Arrow Walls, Floor Spikes, Tar Traps, and Wade Blades that were once used to wreak havoc on orcs and turn them on their fellow players, all while trying to surpass their enemy’s defenses and claim ultimate victory.
The game is absolutely chaotic, and that is what makes it fun. Keep reading past the break to learn more about what makes Orcs Must Die! Unchained stand out from the crowd.
Orcs Must Die! Unchained pits two teams of five against each other in what, on the surface, could be mistaken as a MOBA-style gameplay. In truth, OMDU plays much more closely to a third-person action game. Yes, you are attempting to push lanes of minions towards the enemy stronghold, but rather than the long level grinds that accompany many MOBAs on the market, OMDU thrusts you into frenetic combat against other heroes that’s reminiscent of twitch-based combat found in third-person shooters.
Yes, you have your classic class archetypes: Tank, Attack, Support, Mage, etc. While Hero selection is important, where games are often won and lost are in the construction and upgrade of traps. These are the defensive items made famous in the previous Orcs Must Die! games, and the smart usage of them in OMDU can easily swing the tide of battle. Traps include your classics like the Arrow Wall, and the Floor Spokes, but you also have new items like the electricity-firing Tesla Coil, and the Ceiling Ballista. You also have variants on the classic items; flaming arrows, frozen floor spikes, decoys, and many more items have been added to the mix, and each one provides a different effect on enemy Heroes and minions.
Speaking of minions, another mechanic that sets Orcs Must Die! Unchained apart is the upgrading of minions throughout the game. As you slay enemy Heroes and fend off wave after wave of minions, you earh what the game calls “Leadership Points.” Your team can use the Leadership they’ve accumulated to upgrade your team’s “War Camp,” which is where your minions spawn from. As you spend Leadership on your War Camp, it will eventually level up and allow you to spawn more durable and more powerful minions.
You can also use that Leadership to unlock other War Camps, giving you multiple waves of minions to make the enemy team have to worry about.
There are currently fifteen playable Heroes in Orcs Must Die! Unchained, although you can certainly expect more to come as the game evolves over time. You can also expect new costumes, new maps, and much more that will continue to see the game stand out from the crowd.
If you want to try the game out for yourself, you can sign up for the Orcs Must Die! Unchained Beta by visiting the game’s official website. You can also find out more about the game (Heroes, Abilities, Traps, etc.,) by checking out our Orcs Must Die! Unchained Wiki.