Earlier today, Marvel released a new teaser image via Twitter simply displaying the text “Dead No More,” which of course launched a ton of debate as fans go crazy trying to figure out what this might mean.
Obviously, they’re implying that a major character might be coming back from the dead soon, but who might that be? Let’s take a moment to look at the most likely options.
Warning: There are a few spoilers in our list of possible resurrections.
The most obvious clue is the phrasing, “Dead No More.” This seems like a clear reference to Spider-Man comics, where “_____ No More” is a common reference to the classic story “Spider-Man No More” published in Amazing Spider-Man #50.
If this IS a deliberate reference to Spider-Man, there are many possible characters it could tie to.
Ben Reilly: One popular theory is that it might be Ben Reilly, Peter Parker’s clone who became Spider-Man in the ’90s and died during the Clone Saga. We’re probably not gonna see Uncle Ben coming back as the new Hobgoblin.
Gwen Stacy: Another popular theory is that it might be Gwen Stacy. Gwen seemed forever lost like every other character in the “death by origin story” heap, but she’s experienced a recent surge in popularity thanks to Spider-Gwen.
Doctor Otto Octavius: Doc Ock is technically dead right now, so he’s a possibility. But we’ve also been shown that his mind is alive inside the Living Brain.
It’s also possible that this might not be related to Spidey at all. If that’s the case, there have been a lot of big deaths recently at Marvel.
Namor: The biggest one that comes to mind in recent months (SPOILERS) is Namor, although it might be a bit too soon for a resurrection.
Wolverine: The Wolverine of the main Marvel Universe is still dead, but with two other Wolverines running around right now (Old Man Logan and X-23) it seems like he’ll stay that way for awhile.
Others: Jean Grey is overdue for a resurrection since it’s been more than 30 seconds. Another possibility is The Watcher, who died during Original Sin.
One thing is for certain —Marvel can’t leave fans hanging on in suspense for much longer. Who do you think it will be? Feel free to reply to Marvel Database’s Twitter thread with your theory.
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