The Little Prince is the new film from acclaimed animation director, Mark Osborne. The movie is a warm-hearted and family-friendly take on the original story by French author Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. Mark Osborne’s adaptation blends 3D computer graphics and stop motion animation techniques to bring this tale of imagination, adventure, and personal growth to life.
The film is currently only available on Netflix and in a select number of theaters. Initially, The Little Prince was released in France and became a huge hit, but for some reason, the movie was shelved in the States after failing to run theatrically in March. Thankfully, we now get the chance to see this fun feature that borrows elements from the original tale along with an entirely new story about growing up and retaining the wonder of childhood.
Mark Osborne’s The Little Prince focuses on a young girl who lives by a strict professional regimen set up by her overbearing mother. When she is forced to move, her new next door neighbor quickly becomes a friend and mentor by sharing fantastic stories and memories. The girl struggles to manage her strict schedule, but eventually finds herself dealing with the effects of lying and the fear of losing a loved one. The story veers from happy and entertaining to sad and somber but never fails to seem sluggish or uninteresting.
Is It Worth Watching?
The Little Prince was a passion project for the director, and it’s clear that Mark Osborne poured all his resources into making the best production possible. Fans of his previous work with the Oscar-nominated short More will find a lot to enjoy in this film.
The voice cast is filled with a great array of top-notch actors and the score by Hans Zimmer and Richard Harvey sets the emotional tone perfectly. Fans of Pixar’s Inside Out and classic literature will certainly enjoy this fantastic tale fit for the whole family. Overall, The Little Prince is a strong film with an important message.