Why stop at just Ant-Man? Join us as we go beyond the Quantum Realm to an even more messed-up reality: one where the actor Paul Rudd played every superhero in the Avengers movies. Yes, all of them. Ruddvengers Assemble.
In this alternate universe, Robert Downey Jr was considered too high a risk. Why take a gamble when Paul Rudd is right there? The first Iron Man movie, starring Rudd as Tony Stark, went on to make eight billion dollars, because of course it did.
In an unprecedented move owing to the success of Iron Man, Marvel decided that the only man fit to play the God of Thunder was… Paul Rudd. Again. Using body doubles and motion-capture, Rudd was able to play opposite himself and save the universe all on his lonesome.
Marvel’s Cinematic Ruddiverse was born when Kevin Feige announced none other than Paul Rudd would play brilliant scientist Dr. Bruce Banner, as well as his raging alter-ego, Hulk. “You won’t like me when I’m angry,” he said, except of course we would: he’s Paul Rudd.
There was only one choice to play war hero Steve Rogers. I think by now you can guess who it was. (It was Paul Rudd).
Ah sure, why not?
Rudd lobbied hard for the role of Barton, the expert archer, claiming it was an archery course he took in High School that won him the part. Of course, it helped that he had played literally every single other character in all the Marvel movies to date.
Rudd went method for the role of Fury, shaving his head and plucking out his own eye. When he arrived on set the day after shooting his scenes as the S.H.I.E.L.D. leader, he inexplicably had a full head of hair and two working eyes. It was never mentioned again.
Now the star of around eight simultaneous Marvel franchises, Rudd set himself a challenge: romancing himself on screen. In playing Ant-Man and the Wasp, he would attempt his first love scene with himself. The on-set crew burst into applause when the act was complete.
Impossibly, Paul Rudd narrowly beat out Chris Pratt, Zoe Saldana, Dave Bautista, Bradley Cooper and Vin Diesel for the roles of the Guardians of the Galaxy. All of them. And he beat them fair and square.
Rudd got into shape to play Falcon, the ex-military man with a mechanised wing-suit, and even grew his own beard. “It felt like the natural choice,” said Rudd, when questioned on the facial hair. “I like to keep things fresh.”
Rudd was a shoo-in for the role of Doctor Strange due to the fact he can actually control magic, and owns his own cape. He’s not a doctor, but could be if he wanted.
It was Paul Rudd’s idea to reboot the Spider-Man franchise. Said Kevin Feige: “Rudd had this great idea about a fresh start for Spider-Man, then turned up the next morning having de-aged himself by around 20 years. It was in that moment that he truly became Spider-Man.”
Rudd was savaged by film critics for his role as Scarlet Witch, due to his inability to do accents. “Paul Rudd needs to understand his limits,” said one reviewer, who was then fired.
Rudd was a delight to work with during his role as synthetic robot demi-god Vision, according to crew members. The costume department were amazed when the actor arrived on set, fully dressed and in makeup. “He made it himself and brought it from home,” wept on designer.
Believe it or not, that’s Paul Rudd in there. Honestly. We couldn’t believe it either!
Ant-Man and the Wasp is in cinemas now.