It’s time again to take a look at the hottest happenings, announcements, and events that set fans’ hearts ablaze this week! JUST HIT PLAY…
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In this episode, we remember legendary comic book artist Darwyn Cooke, who passed away on Tuesday. We’ll break down a big change in leadership at DC that could spell a new direction for their cinematic universe. On TV, there’s more news than you can possibly handle from the network upfront presentations, including a massive DC superhero crossover coming on The CW. And Nintendo goes to the movies.
All that, plus a preview of what’s up this weekend… Nice Guys and Angry Birds are new in theaters. Lady Dynamite is on Netflix, if you feel like staying home. And don’t forget AMC’s Preacher on Sunday.
We’ll see you again next week! Here’s more of our coverage of this week’s hot topics…