Watch the First 15 Minutes of ‘Destiny 2’ Gameplay Running on PC

Samantha Loveridge

Celebrating the upcoming Destiny 2 PC release, Nvidia was at hand at E3 2017 to give players a taste of the Destiny 2 gameplay from the campaign in full 4K running at 60fps.

The section we played, ‘Homecoming’, is from the opening section of the game, where it’s apparent that the Cabal and their leader Ghaul are coming for the Traveller and you can check out the first 15 minutes of the Destiny 2 gameplay here.

For those of you not in the know, the Destiny 2 story sees the Cabal’s Red Legion, lead by the evil Ghaul, looking to take the power of the Traveller for themselves. They’re jealous the moon-like Traveller chose Earth and are very determined to change that.

Because of their antics though, by the end of the Homecoming Mission, the bad guys will overthrow the good, with the Guardians losing their powers, their city, their vaults and the precious social space that is The Tower. In fact, the latter you see in flames in the above footage.

The rest of the Destiny 2 storyline is all about regaining your powers and working to take back what rightfully belongs to the citizens of Earth, before taking down Ghaul and the Cabal once and for all. Thankfully you’ll have the assistance of the three Vanguards, Ikora, Cayde-6 and Zavala, as you battle the Red Legion. The opening mission even has you fighting alongside them, which feels incredibly cool for anyone who’s been playing Destiny since the beginning. It’s great to see them taking a much more active role in the Destiny 2 gameplay and story from the off.

You’ll also notice we’re playing with the brand new Destiny 2 subclass, the Warlock Dawnblade, in the above footage. Its super sees your camera change to a third-person view, become engulfed in flames and wielding a flaming sword that can take out swathes of enemies with ease, even the heavies.

Destiny 2 is scheduled for release on September 8 on Xbox One and PS4, with the PC version following later on an unknown date. 

Samantha Loveridge
Sam is the UK Gaming Editor at Fandom. She's been addicted to games since she first got her paws on a GameBoy and hasn't looked back.