‘Gravity Falls’ Wackiest Moments – A Farewell Salute

TV Animation
TV Animation

Since debuting in 2012, Gravity Falls has been entertaining children and adults alike with the wacky adventures of Dipper and Mabel Pine. Over the past two seasons, Alex Hirsch has kept viewers hooked by slowly unraveling the enigma surrounding Gravity Falls and their Grunkle Stan’s Mystery Shack. With the show’s series finale drawing closer and closer, we’re taking a look back at some of the best moments that perfectly encapsulate the show’s whimsical, eccentric comedy. I mean, where else would you find bleeding head trophies, or a dolphin named Aoshima with four human arms!?

That One Time Grunckle Stan Punched a Pterodactyl


Stan has proven time and again that he’s willing to go to great lengths to ensure the safety of his family. Fighting a Pterodactyl from the Jurassic period in Land Before Swine is no exception.

Gnomes Assemble!


Remember that time Mabel was taken hostage by gnomes and almost became their queen? That was the first time we were introduced to the Pine Twins — it the show’s pilot episode, Tourist Trapped.

When We Saw Double Dipper


Or how about the time Dipper decided to make clones of himself? He’d thought having the extra manpower would help him win over Wendy. Instead the duplicates turned against the original Dipper after he didn’t follow the step-by-step list he’d written to woo Wendy.

The Lost President

Quentin Trembley

The twins met the founder of Gravity Falls and the forgotten 8½th President of the United States of America after having freed him from his peanut brittle encasement. In return he made Mabel a Congresswoman, and gave Dipper a key that could open any lock in America. Good thing Dipper’s too nice to be a thief!

Smile Dip Overdose


Smile Dip is an illegal substance in America. But that doesn’t stop Mabel from downing a whole bag that she finds at the Dusk 2 Dawn convenience store. What ensues are hilarious hallucinations of her riding a mutated dolphin. Thankfully, she swears off the stuff after her bad trip.

The Duchess Approves Obsession


Stan may be a total goofball but, like us, he also becomes emotionally involved when watching a movie. The Duchess Approves is a classic that appears on the Black and White Period Piece Old Lady Boring Movie Channel. The movie’s plot is unknown but we know that it caused Stan to throw his television set out the window — so it must be good!

BEAR-O (Enough Said)


The worse-for-wear puppet has been the cause of nightmares, and left many who have encountered it traumatized. Although Mabel tries to give Bear-O’s reputation a makeover, we agree with Dipper when he says that everyone hates him.

 Time Baby


The future of the free world rests in the tiny hands of the Time Baby, the tyrannical supreme ruler of the future. The absurdity of this isn’t lost on us, and we love how disproportionate his head is to the rest of his baby body.

Mabel’s Leap of Faith


The episode Not What He Seems left us with so many feels as we watched Mabel make a decision that would alter her relationships with Dipper or her Grunkle Stan. The choice she ultimately made saved her Grunkle Ford, but drove a wedge between her and her brother.

The Lefty Robot


Arguably, the most improbable discovery made by Dipper: Lefty Robot. Operated by aliens, the robot only has a left profile. Dipper is the intent on revealing Lefty for what he really is. Once discovered, the aliens swallow red, glowing cubes and disappear, leaving both Dipper and Mabel confused.


These 10 moments are only the tip of the iceberg — there are many more wacky moments throughout the 39 episodes in the series. If you want to re-watch every episode before the series finale, tune in to Disney XD starting on February 12. They’ll be showing a 68-hour marathon culminating with the one-hour final episode on February 15.


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