How ‘Voltron’s’ Balmera Can Help Us Save the Earth


Let’s face it: as a whole, we’re not taking very good care of our planet. The more we grow and build things, the more we’re taking from the Earth, and we’re not giving much back in return. Our mindset about how we treat our only home needs to change.

How should it change? The Netflix series Voltron: Legendary Defender provides a good example. In the middle of season one, Team Voltron travels to and saves a planet known as the Balmera from the Galra Empire. The Balmera is a living organism that produces crystals, and people use these crystals to power their ships. But unfortunately, not everyone repays the Balmera for its sacrifice, and it suffers. Sound familiar yet?

How Things Currently Stand

Right now, we bear a pretty close resemblance to the Galra Empire. The Galra took over the Balmera and turned it into a crystal mining colony. But they don’t give back to the Balmera by replenishing its energy. Their greed destroys the planet, and by the time Team Voltron reaches the Balmera, it’s on the brink of collapsing. It’s literally dying.

This is where the Earth is headed currently—but not in the exact same way, of course. The human population is growing and we need more resources for everybody, but at the same time, we’re not doing enough to give back to the Earth. We’re destroying our beautiful planet by depleting its resources and speeding up global warming. This is why things must change.

Learn From the Balmera

Balmera crystals

What we need to do is start thinking like the Balmerans—those who live on the Balmera—and their allies. They put the Balmera’s welfare before their own, and are completely in tune with its suffering. Even when it’s about to collapse, the Balmerans would rather stay and die with their planet than leave on the Castle of Lions.

Enter Princess Allura, Coran, and Team Voltron, who understand how the Balmera is a sacred being and refuse to give up on the planet. Allura performs an energy rejuvenation ceremony to heal and restore the entire Balmera, even though this act puts her at risk of death. The Balmera is saved, and starts growing crystals again.

That’s exactly how we should be treating the Earth. While it doesn’t have to come to this, we should have the mindset of being willing to die for our planet. We need to give back, and think of it as a sacred being. So, do whatever you can, from supporting pro-environment laws, to planting trees, to helping endangered animals.

Don’t wait for Voltron to come save us. As Shiro would say, “Go, be great.” Go be a hero and take care of the planet yourself.

Do it for Voltron, and do it for the Balmerans.

Do it for the Earth.

Chrissie "Astro" Miille is a Fan Contributor for FANDOM and a former admin on the Danny Phantom Wiki. When not watching animated shows or Star Trek, they're usually neck-deep in another fandom, listening to Michael Jackson, creating, or stargazing.