Trollhunters, the animated hit series on Netflix helmed by imaginary great Guillermo del Toro, is coming back for season two and also just nabbed seven Daytime Emmy nominations. But if you’ve never watched the show (SHAME!), you may not know the main character Jim Lake Jr. is voiced by late actor Anton Yelchin (Star Trek, Charlie Bartlett). Pause for uncontrollable sobbing.
So at WonderCon this year, the Trollhunters showrunners didn’t leave without mentioning Yelchin and his impact on the series.
“We want to really honor [Yelchin], and he did his best work in season two,” said executive producer Rodrigo Blaas.
But the fans weren’t about to let that be the last of it. A young boy approached the microphone during a time for audience questions and asked how they will be able to replace Yelchin in the lead role. (Sobbing harder now, btw.) The showrunners graciously answered that they are already in search, but no decision has been made. Show producer Chad Hammes added that del Toro will be the one to make an official announcement once a replacement is found.
Before his untimely death, Yelchin finished his work for Trollhunters season two, so fans will be treated to his voice talents one last time.
And now we’re out of tissues.
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