First ‘Tomb Raider’ Trailer Is a Mixed Bag, But That’s Okay

Drew Dietsch
Movies Games
Movies Games Movie Trailers

Tomb Raider is a film that has fans thoroughly intrigued. The new movie takes inspiration from the 2013 reboot of the franchise. It’s a far cry from the pulpier and campier tone of the original game and the Angelina Jolie films.

Well, that influence looks to be in full force in the new film. Check out the trailer and stick around for some analysis.

Some Good, Some Bad

This first look is something of a mixed bag. There is a lot of positives though. The biggest takeaway is that the movie’s visual style looks fantastic. Director Roar Uthaug — director of the solid disaster film The Wave — has brought an appropriate amount of propulsive flair to this world.

And the cast is on point. Alicia Vikander looks like the perfect actor to step in Lara Croft‘s boots. She’s tough, beautiful, and proven herself as a phenomenal actress in films like Ex Machina and The Danish Girl. Plus, having Walton Goggins as Mathias and Dominic West as Lord Richard Croft helps this all feel like a step above most video game adaptations.

But, the plot and dialogue seem a little cheesy — that line about closing the tomb? — and the action can’t help but have that video gamey, untethered physics feeling. Some might argue that that’s an integral part of the property, but look at how Assassin’s Creed tried to do the same thing. It didn’t work out then. Will it work better in Tomb Raider?

Still, this looks like it will be a fun ride. If they can manage to bring in some of the surprising brutality and survival intensity that the 2013 game did so well, this could be an adventure movie worth your time. This has to work for both fans of the game and general audiences. That’s a tough balance to strike.

We’ll find out if Tomb Raider can please both worlds when it swings into theaters on March 16, 2018.

Drew Dietsch
Drew Dietsch has been professionally writing about entertainment for over a decade. His bylines include FANDOM - where he was a founding contributor and Entertainment Editor - Bloody Disgusting, SYFY WIRE, and more. He created and hosts GenreVision, a weekly film discussion show at