The Title of Daniel Craig’s New Movie Has Audiences Confused

Chris Tilly

Last week Steven Soderbergh’s new feature hit US screens – a heist movie that stars the likes of Daniel Craig, Adam Driver and Channing Tatum. The film is released in the UK this week. But there’s one problem with said movie – audiences don’t seem to know what it’s called.

The title of Soderbergh’s movie is Logan Lucky. But a quick look at Twitter suggests those planning to see the film – and even those who have seen it – reckon it’s called Lucky Logan.

And if I’m honest, I thought the same. As did some of my friends. And work colleagues. There seems to be a weird mental block happening with this film, which prompted me to search for #LuckyLogan on Twitter, where I found the following…

People Who Got the Title Wrong BEFORE Watching Logan Lucky

Others Got the Title Wrong AFTER Seeing It

CNN Doesn’t Know What the Film is Called

Nor Does Someone Who Was AT THE PREMIERE

With the talent involved, Logan Lucky had a surprisingly disappointing opening weekend in the States. And based on this, one wonders if that’s because audiences were trying to see Lucky Logan, and giving up when told no such movie exists.

Whatever the case, Logan Lucky – that’s LOGAN LUCKY – hits UK screens this Friday (August 25).

Chris Tilly
Freelance writer. At this point my life is a combination of 1980s horror movies, Crystal Palace football matches, and episodes of I'm Alan Partridge. The first series. When he was in the travel tavern. Not the one after.