Thor: Ragnarok is currently in production. That means it’s time for some juicy set photos! The newest addition to the Marvel Cinematic Universe is shooting in Brisbane and we’ve got some intriguing pics to pick apart.
First, there’s this shot of Thor and Loki, sworn enemies and reluctant brothers, chilling out in front of a newspaper stand. Take a peek at some of those headlines.
“Time Square Murder” is certainly an eye-catcher. There is also “God of Thunder Strikes It Up With Lady Justice.” Perhaps a reference to Valkyrie? Whatever the case, it seems that Thor’s return to Earth will be fraught with momentous occasions.
Strange Things Are Afoot in Thor: Ragnarok
Now comes the real treat. Direct your peepers towards this seemingly innocuous snapshot of Thor holding a small piece of paper.
Doesn’t seem like much at first. …Hold on a minute! For those who don’t want to hurt their eyes by squinting, let’s use some of that modern computer magic. Enhance!
Well, slap a tail on my bottom and call me Squirrel Girl. 177A Bleecker Street is a well-known address to Marvel fans. That’s where Doctor Stephen Strange hangs up his cape when he isn’t fending off baddies such as Kaecilius and Shuma-Gorath. Looks like the God of Thunder will be paying the Sorcerer Supreme a little visit. Marvel godfather Kevin Feige has said that only around 10%-20% of Thor: Ragnarok takes place on Earth. If part of that time is spent forging a relationship with Doctor Strange, that’s a brilliant bit of interconnectivity.
Thor: Ragnarok promises to bring some more of those cosmic shenanigans fans love about the Marvel Cinematic Universe. We’ll get to see that fun when the movie releases on November 3, 2017.