‘Thor: Ragnarok’ Concept Art Shows Gladiator Hulk, Cate Blanchett as Hela

Drew Dietsch
Movies Marvel
Movies Marvel

We’re getting a Thor movie this year! Thor: Ragnarok has been kind of quiet on the hype front, but rest assured it’s going to be a beast.

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 is still dominating the Marvel movie conversation — that’s because it comes out sooner. But we’re finally starting to get a few peeks at Thor: Ragnarok and some big ones hit today.

Official concept art for the film has been released by Marvel. Get your first good look at Thor: Ragnarok.

thor ragnarok hulk gladiator 1

Oh, hell yes! We’ve known that Hulk would be donning his gladiator garb from the beloved Planet Hulk storyline. This looks badass. And it does look like Hulk and Thor are going to have to duke it out in the arena just like in the comics. Joy!

This next one isn’t actually concept art — it’s better. Here’s an early rendering of gladiator Hulk. Look at his helmet! Look at it!

thor ragnarok gladiator hulk cg

We’ve known that Cate Blanchett would be classing up the joint as Hela, but we haven’t seen anything of her character yet. That’s been rectified…

Now, gaze in amazement at Hela in all her glory!

thor ragnarok hela loki cate blanchett

F#@* yeah! Holy Hela, she looks wicked in more ways than one. The Thor films have been something of a snoozefest but their commitment to costume design has always been a highlight.

Hela looks like she could be the best-looking villain any Thor movie has had yet. And yes, I say that as someone with a fervent crush on Tom Hiddleston. Speaking of Hiddles, it looks like Loki and Thor might meet up with Hela on Earth. But, this is just concept art. Don’t take it as gospel.

Thor: Ragnarok is looking better by the day. We should be seeing our first trailer by the time Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 rolls around. These pics just made the wait feel a lot longer.

Drew Dietsch
Drew Dietsch has been professionally writing about entertainment for over a decade. His bylines include FANDOM - where he was a founding contributor and Entertainment Editor - Bloody Disgusting, SYFY WIRE, and more. He created and hosts GenreVision, a weekly film discussion show at genrevision.com.