The hunt returns as director Shane Black (Iron Man 3, The New Guys), along with cast members Olivia Munn, Sterling K. Brown, Keegan-Michael Key, Trevante Rhodes, Jake Busey, Thomas Jane, and Augusto Aguilera brought their all-star firepower to an explosive SDCC panel for the upcoming The Predator film. The latest film in the sci-fi horror series promises a bigger and badder take on the iconic franchise.
But humans aren’t the only prey.
New footage shown during The Predator panel at San Diego Comic-Con’s Hall H shows the aliens hunting each other.
“One of the conceits that we had is that there’s a faction of predators that have been bested twice by humans,” explained Black.
These already introduced predators seem to be hunted by an even more advanced faction, perhaps due to their failure. Black describes the new aliens as “angry” and “roided,” utilizing genetic material from prey they’ve hunted.
“They’re fast, they’re deadly, they’re lithe,” Black adds. “They strike and retreat. It’s that feeling of deadly purpose and deadly f–king proficiency.”
The footage shown reveals Boyd Holbrook, Jacob Tremblay, and Munn being pursued by a Predator. Suddenly, a larger Predator pulls the smaller one through a window, smashes him on a car, and then decapitates him.
“What, are they hunting each other now,” Munn’s evolutionary biologist asks.
Fans will have to wait until September to learn more about the warring factions.
In addition to its trademark violence, The Predator will include lots of humor, especially with Key & Peele‘s Keegan-Michael Key on the cast. In another scene shown at Comic-Con, Key, Holbrook, Rhodes, Jane, and Aguilera surround an unconscious Munn in bed, placing bets on how she’ll react when she regains consciousness.
Black describes this group as “misfits,” a far cry from the trained commandos in the first film.
Sterling K. Brown is not a part of them, revealing that his character is “a bit of a lone wolf” and “for the most part I am by myself.”