The 6 Weirdest Creatures From ‘Doctor Who’

Francis Agustin
TV Doctor Who
TV Doctor Who Sci-Fi

For over 50 years, Doctor Who fans have watched the Doctor meet some pretty weird creatures, including aliens and interdimensional beings. Many of these creatures have proven to be significant parts of Doctor Who lore. Whether it’s their appearance or their personal quirks, these bizarre beings certainly left us scratching our heads. These are six of the most bizarre creatures in the modern Doctor Who universe.


Doctor Who Weirdest Creatures

The Zygons are classic monsters of both the old and new Doctor Who series. Recently, they have appeared in the adventures of the Tenth, Eleventh, and Twelfth Doctors, as well as the 50th-anniversary episode. A shape-shifting alien race from the planet Zygor, the Zygons have crossed paths with the Doctor many times over the years disguised as his friends and enemies.

Their weirdest feature by far is their appearance. In their original form, as described by the Doctor, they are “big red things covered in suckers.” They also have cone-shaped heads, electric stingers on their hands, and they sometimes excrete red venomous slime from their bodies. Crazily enough, despite their abnormal nature, they appear to be surprisingly good kissers, according to the Doctor.


Adipose from Doctor Who

The Adipose are one of the strangest and most outlandish creations in Doctor Who. Small and marshmallow-shaped, with stubby hands and feet, they are a race of creatures formed from living clumps of fat. After their breeding colony planet vanished, hundreds of these little pests were born on Earth and wreaked havoc in London during the Tenth Doctor’s tenure.

Besides what they were, the Adipose were also weird because of the way they reproduce. The Doctor and his companion, Donna Noble, uncovered a secret scheme disguised as a weight-loss pill, which could convert a single human being into several Adipose children (hence the slogan, “The fat just walks away”). Still, despite the nefarious way they came to be, these creatures are mainly benevolent and oddly cute.


Doctor Who Weirdest Creatures

The peculiar-looking Oodkind were a species of telepathic humanoids with wrinkly, bald heads, a tentacle-covered mouth, and two brains (the forebrain in their head and the hindbrain, which they held in their hands). Future humans forced these creatures into eternal servitude, mutilating them and their collective mind. Oods are usually humble and helpful, except when under the control of malevolent beings, like the Beast or House.

In addition to their appearance, the Ood also have eerie abilities. They share a telepathic bond, often singing beautiful harmonies together, and had prophetic powers, predicting the downfall and regeneration of the Tenth Doctor. Even wilder, they could turn humans into a fellow Ood. It’s no wonder their names are literally one letter away from “odd.”

Crooked Man

Doctor Who Weirdest Creatures

The Crooked Man is a pretty underrated monster in the Whoniverse. Mistaken for a paranormal presence at the Caliburn House in the 1970s, the Crooked Man is one of the few creatures to properly scare the Doctor. Its face and body looked deformed and crooked, hence the “crooked man.”

But what may be equally weird is its romantic background. When the Eleventh Doctor finally confronted the Crooked Man in a pocket universe, he learned that it was actually one of two creatures. It had been separated from its mate in our universe. Regardless, only a creature this extraordinary could change a horror story into a star-crossed love story.

Scribble Creature

Doctor Who Weird Creatures

One of the quirkiest creatures to appear in Doctor Who was the Scribble Creature. When the Tenth Doctor and Rose Tyler traveled to a seemingly ordinary neighborhood in London, they encountered the alien-possessed child, Chloe Webber, whose artwork had a tendency of coming to life.

This animate scribble was quite literally a child’s drawing, and it even attacked Rose. Once the Doctor had subdued it, they determined that the Isolus parasite controlling Chloe had brought it to life with ionic energy. Because it was made of pencil graphite, the doctor simply erased it away. Despite its brief appearance in the episode, it earns a spot on our list for being not only weird but so random.

Sentient Oil Puddle

Doctor Who Weird Creatures

This may seem like an unbelievable joke, but the first creature that the Twelfth Doctor’s companion, Bill Potts, encountered was the Sentient Oil puddle — a living, self-aware puddle of oil from a spaceship. The oil eventually absorbed and reformed Bill’s friend, Heather, into an oil creature, which chased the Doctor and Bill across time and space. Other than its ability to mimic other organisms, it proved to be incredibly durable, surviving the attack of a Dalek.

The weirdest part though was that Bill fell in love with Heather in oil form, and she eventually became an oil creature herself after traveling with the Doctor. Together as pilots for the Sentient Oil, Bill and Heather left to explore the universe, giving this unusual love story a surprisingly beautiful conclusion.

In spite of the sneak peeks we’ve seen regarding the eleventh series of Doctor Who, many questions about who or what the Doctor will encounter still remain. Will these creatures serve as inspiration for future alien species? Or will we get something completely new? Whatever the case, we will always remember the creatures who made the Whoniverse the delightfully weird place that Whovians have grown to love.

Francis Agustin