On February 15th, the Netflix lineup changed forever with the release of Final Space. Created by Olan Rogers, this sci-fi animated series tells the story of Gary Goodspeed, a good-hearted troublemaker seeking adventure. Accompanied by a menagerie of aliens and robots, the wannabe-hero pursues heroism in hopes of winning the heart of his superior officer, Quinn.
Supported by a veteran cast of actors such as Tika Sumpter and David Tennant, Final Space is one of the first in a long list of indie creations to join the animated lineup. While Netflix has provided a platform for new and experimental content, shows like Final Space can use all the support possible and it’s very much deserved.
Helps Independent Creators Be Creative
The world of animation is entering a new age with a broader spectrum. Shows such as Rick and Morty, Steven Universe, and BoJack Horseman have demonstrated how creative and interesting cartoons can be. A majority of animated shows come from a handful of networks like Adult Swim and Cartoon Network leaving little room for independent animations to thrive. Assuming that animators are able to get a job with one of them, they have limited creative freedom. The world of animation is competitive, which forces aspiring animators to showcase wherever they can.
There are only so many places that an animator can publish their work online and hope to get any attention. Websites like Newgrounds and YouTube are a few places where an animator can make their mark. Olan Rogers is a prime example: a YouTuber of 10 years, he has released live videos and animated shorts. After so long, he finally gained enough attention to warrant putting together a pitch for an original show and creating a trailer for YouTube.
Paves the Way for Original Content
The sad truth is that most western animation has fallen into monotony. With shows like The Simpsons still going after almost 30 years and creators like Seth MacFarlane producing the same show over and over again, most people have stopped taking an interest in animated shows. While many watch such shows to escape, it does not mean they shouldn’t hold creators to a certain standard. The bigger a show gets, the more likely it is to become formulaic and predictable. As big name creators become bored with their own shows, this gives a chance for new blood.
While Final Space is a sci-fi comedy, its fluid animation style, and dynamic dialogue make it stand out. Final Space is one of the indie shows to have come to life from audience support, and it doesn’t have to be the only one. In 2016, Aggretsuko joined the Netflix lineup as another one of its more original shows. Based on a character created by the artist Yeti, the show follows the adventures of Retsuko, an anthropomorphic red panda office worker who has a hidden passion for death metal music. Creative shows like these will spark interest in animated series again.
Creates Variety and Opportunity
Think about how many shows — not only animated — revolve around a nuclear family with a gimmick. The most interesting shows to come out in recent years take the conventions established by years of cookie-cutter animation and flip them on their heads. An example would be Rick and Morty, which takes the concept of a dysfunctional family and combines it with sci-fi hi-jinks and emotional realism. As a result, animation interest is shifting from the mainstream to the independent as more and more people are seeking out creative content. Even BoJack Horseman came to life by webcomic artist Lisa Hanawalt and writer Raphael Bob-Waksberg giving way to a new and unique presentation.
With Netflix growing as a media hub, opportunities for fresh new ideas has never been higher. More and more people are forgoing network television for online entertainment which is where indie animators and writers thrive. The platforms and digital medium isn’t enough for every indie creator to succeed. They need viewer support, constructive feedback, and promotion. Often times they are unable to do everything themselves since they dedicate most of their free time to their content. It’s this kind of dedication that is much needed in the animated world with artists and writers of all shapes and sizes pouring all their care into their content. Final Space carries such heart and, by giving support to its aspiring peers, the animated world would become a place of true passion and endless variety.
With the release of Final Space, western animation received an adrenaline shot. Creators like Olan Rogers give hope to other animators trying to break into the industry. While their dedication will guarantee quality content, it’s the support from fans and fellow creators that will make bring these fresh ideas to life.