Wayward Sisters will be the new spinoff series from the Supernatural universe. The story will focus on Sheriff Jody Mills (Kim Rhodes) who trains a number of orphaned young women to become monster hunters.
What makes this news so interesting is that the spinoff was spurred on by fan demand. Fans began petitioning for a show called Wayward Daughters – named after the Kansas song “Carry On Wayward Son” that plays during the recap portion of every Supernatural finale episode – that would bring together many of the popular female characters from the show. Claire Novak, Annie Jones, Charlie Bradbury and Jody’s sometimes partner, Sheriff Donna Hanscum, are just a few of the contenders for the fan-desired concept.
What Do We Know About Wayward Sisters So Far?
It’s great to see such a fan-inspired idea take root, but it is worth noting that this is still in the formative stages. A backdoor pilot – an episode of an established television show that is used to set up a spinoff – will air during Supernatural‘s thirteenth season. As of now, only Kim Rhodes is attached to the project, but it’s likely that other cast members are being pursued.
Supernatural attempted a spinoff back in season nine called Bloodlines. The fan reaction was mostly negative though. The spinoff would have featured entirely new characters. supernatural fans wanted a spinoff that starred characters they were already attached to. Sounds like the producers of the show took that to heart. The concept of Wayward Sisters is being strongly embraced by fans.
We should learn more about Wayward Sisters as the new season of Supernatural gets closer. In the meantime, celebrate that the power of fans brought such a cool concept into the real world. It goes to show that smart creators listen to their audience and give them what they want. Hopefully, Wayward Sisters will deliver on that promise.