Star Trek: Discovery is the first new Star Trek series since the final episode of Star Trek: Enterprise was broadcast in 2005. With such an ardent fanbase, it’s perhaps unsurprising that some fans found fault with it. The show has made some departures from typical Star Trek fare – such as including swearing in its dialogue, as well as bloody and brutal scenes of violence. There was also that Klingon sex scene. Bet you never thought you needed to see what Klingon boobs looked like. But now you have.
While the first half of the inaugural season struggled to find warmth from fans in some camps, with many criticising the refreshed look of Klingons for one thing, the series creators have ramped things up as the second half of the season kicks in. And fans are loving it. Let’s compare reactions to the show back when it started through to that incredible eleventh episode, “The Wolf Inside“.
In September, reactions ranged from out-and-out hate to cautious optimism, starting with this person who wasn’t keen:
This person didn’t have an opinion on the story, but was put off by its look:
This Twitter user, meanwhile, afforded it faint praise:
This Tweeter admitted to liking the show, but didn’t hold back in identifying his problem with it:
Greg thought badly of the Klingons, and crew members — among other things:
While Steve had also made his mind up:
Barry, meanwhile, wasn’t won over:
In October, there was still plenty of people disliking it, but more were coming round. There’s a lot of love for the show’s vision in this Tweet:
While this guy — try as he might — just couldn’t get into it:
This person noted its similarities to Enterprise:
And poor old Rob begged for assistance:
Stinky tested another tactic to help get into the show:
While this person seemed to think it was okay, but had one big issue with Sonequa Martin-Green’s character Michael Burnham:
And this person condemned it as being akin to bad fan fiction:
This Twitter user couldn’t figure out why another user disliked it:
While this one found one good thing to like about it — another show:
In November, reactions were noticeably more positive, with this person listing its good and bad points:
And this one pointing out one thing that could improve the show, namely the addition of a certain actor:
This person stuck with it and found their opinion changing:
While this one made a joke about how bad the characters in Seth McFarlane’s Star Trek homage The Orville think it is:
Lucy, meanwhile, cautiously praised the show:
While this person seemed to doubt that the Klingon nudity was necessary:
And while these two Twitter users weren’t down on Star Trek: Discovery per se, they both admitted to preferring another show:
This person seemed to acknowledge the haters while revealing his thoughts on the series:
While this guy has definitely grown to like it more as it’s gone on:
Although some still had beef with that lens flare:
And someone gave up:
But Gareth was keen to know more:
While this fan of The Orville communicated that she thinks Discovery is inferior:
This birthday girl likes the show so much, on the other hand, that she got a special themed birthday cake — happy belated 21st, Katie!
Star Trek: Discovery was absent from our screens through December but after a thrilling mid-season finale, the Discovery-watching internet was looking forward to it coming back in January. And they weren’t disappointed, with the following Twitter users particularly into the latest episodes:
It’s even become popular amongst the cat population:
This guy was blown away:
While this Twitter user utilises exclamation marks to full effect to convey his joy:
Marsha puts it up there with two other current shows and gives it high praise:
This person is surprised at their reaction:
And this person judged his feelings about the series according to his physical responses while watching the mid-season premiere:
Carlton. Enough said:
In true Star Trek fashion, it’s also picking up fans of different species:
This person praises the show’s depiction of one of the show’s significant relationships:
But there’s just no pleasing some people:
You can catch Star Trek: Discovery every Sunday in the US and a day later in the UK.