The latest trailer for Sonic Forces, SEGA’s generation spanning double Sonic extravaganza, shows off a brand new feature that fulfills a fantasy we’ve ALL had for the last 20 years: creating yourself as a skinny legged animal person, and going on sick-ass adventures with the blue blur!
We have all had that fantasy, right?
Look, if you’re a real Sonic the Hedgehog fan then at some point in your younger years you grabbed a bunch of colored pencils, thought very hard, and created a totally unique character that definitely wasn’t just a tracing of Sonic wearing raver pants (you know the ones with the bright red straps everywhere, what were those???) Maybe you even inserted him, Mary Sue style, into a very long fan fiction whose plot wasn’t so much about defeating Eggman as it was about becoming super cool buddies with a rodent wearing sneakers.
And while the Sonic games have introduced a slew of new characters over the years, none of them were as cool as your lime green hedgehog, who was also named Jack. You never got to tear through Green Hill Zone, collecting rings and power ups, beating up robots, and making time to retcon Nack the Weasel so that he didn’t shrink into the microverse and is actually a good guy now who is your best friend.
Sonic Forces’ custom character options seem robust, and include not just hedgehogs, but also dogs, rabbits, wolves, and foxes, like your other OC who is Tails’ sister, and Jack (the hedgehog not me, the normal human man) starts dating her because you were 12 and you were discovering a lot about yourself as you wrote 90,000 words about giant eyed, chicken legged animal people.
Sonic Forces releases this holiday season on PS4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch.